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What We Offer
Massage has evolved from a relaxation treatment for clients to one that is used as a treatment for various medical conditions.
We at European Body Concepts & Wellness have come to realize the importance of massage and how it has the power to heal many areas of the body. With our years of clinical experience and extensive education we can help restore and rehabilitate areas of the body that have suffered trauma. We would like to assist patients in creating a Healthier You!
Physicians Script Required Rx
Chronic pain, auto accident, workman’s compensation.
Paid by Insurance
It’s not just massage, it’s medical massage.
outcome based therapy
back pain
shoulder pain
carpal tunnel
plantar fasciitis
hip pain
auto accident
work mans comp
The Meaning of Medical Massage
Medical Massage is one of the modalities to consider for integrative health care. Medical Massage Therapists concentrate on specific areas of pain with the intent to rehabilitate and restore dysfunction of soft muscle tissue. A Medical Massage Therapist is state licensed with specialized training in the clinical side of massage.
More Details
The Medical Massage Therapist will develop a treatment plan after a full evaluation based on a Physician Prescription and Diagnosis. It is used to assist patients in the rehabilitation of injuries due to Auto accidents, Sports Injuries, and Work Injuries.
Medical Massage can relieve Shoulder, Neck and Back Pain, aid in Pre-surgery and Post-Surgery, Release Compressed Nerves, reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia, ease migraines, create comfort for cancer patients, decrease Foot Pain, and many other discomforts. Massage Therapy when Integrated with other healthcare providers such as, Chiropractors, Orthopedics, Physical Therapists etc. we can provide more complete and effective care.

Hip Replacement Therapy
Massage can decrease swelling in the more proximal anterior aspect of the upper leg and reduce or eliminate any pain that may be due to muscular edema from the surgical procedure. Massage can soften the tissue and help relieve any excess fluid in the interstitial space that can be common post-operatively. some may require that the muscles that have shortened pre-operatively be stretched as tolerated

Shoulder Pain
Trigger Point Therapy is very effective for shoulder pain such as Frozen Shoulder, Rotator Cuff injuries, arthritis and many other shoulder discomforts. Massage Therapy may be a great option in relieving a pinched nerve because sometimes muscle tension may be the cause of the pressure.

Fibromyalgia Massage
With Using specialized techniques and movement therapy, Medical Massage Can treat hypertonicity in the muscles. It can Restore normal blood flow and drainage throughout the affected soft tissue to eliminate tender points.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage
(LDM) has a positive effect on the immune system It helps to mobilize and redistribute T-lymphocytes, stimulate production of natural killer cells and helps lymph nodes to work more efficiently. All of that is vitally important for cancer patients.

Plantar Foot Pain
Sometimes this type of foot pain could be caused by compression from the soft tissues surrounding the inferior calcaneal nerve (Baxter’s Nerve) Massage can help in reducing pain by carefully moving the soft tissue in a direction in which to relieve the compression on the nerve.

Chronic Pain
Integrating various medical massage techniques and manipulating the soft muscle tissues layer by layer can be an effective way to locate the source of chronic pain. This concept can reflect positive results in many areas of the body.